On the mechanistic basis of morphological change

Le 02 Avril 2021
11h30 - This seminar will be streamed live online

Emilia Santos

University of Cambridge

Link to seminar: https://umontpellier-fr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tr9polsNTOmEc4Z_l1Kwvg



The evolution of novel morphologies is a key component of organismal diversification, yet the genetic mechanisms and adaptive significance underlying their evolution remain understudied. We address this question in two highly diverse model systems: pigmentation patterns in cichlid fishes and cuticle structures in water striders.


Santos ME, Le Bouquin A, Crumière AJJ, Khila A (2017) Taxon-restricted genes at the origin of morphological novelty and ecological opportunity in water striders. Science 358:386-390


Santos ME, Braasch I, Boileau N, Meyer B, Boehne A, Affolter M, Salzburger W (2014) The evolution of cichlid egg-spots are linked with a cis-regulatory change. Nature Communications, doi:10.1038/ncomms6149

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