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Vendredi, 29 Septembre, 2023

Vendredi, 13 Septembre, 2024
Conférence Olivieri: Sex chromosomes and speciation 14:30 - Amphi 23.01 site Fac de sciences

thomas lenormand

Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive - Montpellier


Link to seminar:

Vendredi, 20 Septembre, 2024
Sex, pregnancy & immune defence 11:30 - Online only


Kiel Evolution Centre, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany


Par ex., 21/09/2024
Par ex., 21/09/2024
15avr 2022
The ever-changing role of biodiversity in forests: implications for climate... 11h30 - Hybrid -online & Salle SC01, Bât. 23, Univ. Montpellier

Sean Mcmahon

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Maryland, US

22avr 2022
Playing chicken with antibiotics 11h30 - Hybrid -online & Salle SC01, Bât. 23, Univ. Montpellier

Thomas Van boeckel

ETH, Zurich

13mai 2022
Why is Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility so common? 11.30 hybrid: online & Salle Louis Thaler, bat 22, ISEM

michael Turelli

University College Davis, US

Link to seminar:

20mai 2022
Island Plant Syndromes: Native vs. Invasive Functional Traits 11.30 hybrid & Grand Salle du CEFE, CEFE, route de Mende

Kasey Barton

University of Hawaii, US

Link to seminar:

03juin 2022
Studying the adaptive process in the wild: purple coneflower and partridge pea 11h30: hybrid: room 23.01, bat 23 Universite de Montpellier

Louis Thaler Seminar: Ruth Shaw

University of Minnesota, US

10juin 2022
The Cost of Reproductive Effort for Female Ageing in Mandrills and Humans 11h30 Hybrid -online and Salle Louis Thaler, bat 22 UM

Alexandra Alvergne

University of Montpellier, France

Link to seminar:

17juin 2022
Friends, Foes, and Phages: How a (Phyllosphere) Microbiome Assembles 11h30 Hybrid -online and Salle Louis Thaler, bat 22 UM

Britt Koskella

University College Berkeley US
