The Mediterranean Centre for Environment and Biodiversity Laboratory of Excellence (CeMEB LabEx) is a federation of ten research units in the Montpellier area. Research focuses on the dynamics and functioning of biodiversity and ecosystems in a context of marked environmental change, notably due to human activities. An important objective is to use scenarios to anticipate both the biological consequences of global change, and anticipate the evolution of ecosystem services and human societies. The research agenda is addressed at all types of ecosystems (from the equator to the poles, terrestrial and marine) and living organisms (from micro-organisms to large mammals). A particular focus is ‘wild’ biodiversity, in the form of numerous long-term research field programs. Approaches combine observation and modelling, especially experimentation. They draw upon high-level tools, such as the Montpellier European Ecotron, the experimental facility at Puéchabon, shared genomics, ecology, chemistry, bio- and eco-computing platforms, and experimental greenhouses and plots.
the research agenda
The CeMEB LabEx research agenda takes several forms:
- Providing a framework for research, notably through a commitment to providing support for shared platforms (financing of equipment and human resources), doctoral and postdoctoral grants, supporting mobility (visiting researchers), and scientific events.
- A targeted training support program: engineers, technicians and administrative staff (ETA), and PhD students, master’s programs, lifelong learning and professional training (e.g. for managers of protected areas).
- Outreach and transfer of research outputs to civil society by promoting collaboration and partnerships with the non-academic sector (including private companies) and civil society via, for example, the co-financing of research fellowships, the organization of workshops and meetings, or participation in various events, for example, the Assises de la Biodiversité (Biodiversity conferences).
More information on Strategic Orientation page
Cemeb includes since 2015 the 10 joint research units from Montpellier. Cemeb and its constituent units gathers 12 partners, including National Research Organizations (NROs: Cirad, CNRS, Ifremer, Inra, Inrap, IRD) and higher education institutions (EPHE, Montpellier SupAgro, University Paul Valéry Montpellier, University of Nîmes, University of Perpignan), led by the University of Montpellier. The overall number of permanent staff of these unit is ca. 850 (37% women) and almost 450 non-permanent staff (Figure PR1).
The University of Montpellier ranks 1st in ecology in the 2018 Shanghai ranking;
1200 indexed publications per year (20-25 in top journals) and with an H2 of 35 (35 scientists with an H factor > 35);
• 13 ERC laureates, eight IUF members and two members of the French Academy of Sciences;
• A pillar of the regional scientific community and a major constituent of the I-Site Muse project, with strong relationships
with the other scientific communities (including all the PIA projects);
• Hosts world-class facilities such as the European Ecotron of Montpellier and a network of facilities (Repeb);
• An extraordinarily dense network of international collaborations, whether in developed or emerging countries, and a
large number of teams (12% permanent staff) positioned abroad and in French ultramarine territories (see Figure PR2);
• Trained thousands of master and PhD students with a reputation of excellence who now occupy academic positions
or work as biodiversity managers everywhere in France and abroad.

The CeMEB LabEx is part of the 2011–2019 Future Projects Investments (Projects Investissement d'Avenir 2011-2019) program, funded by the French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) and has an annual allocation of 630 K€. For more information on the Investissements d'Avenir click here.
University of Montpellier
The University of Montpellier is responsible for the financial management and administration of the CeMEB LabEx.