Cyto – Evolutionary Genomics Environmental Genomics

This platform is dedicated to analyzes of evolutionary biology based on chromosomes. It offers tools for the implementation of cytogenomics projects aimed at studying the architecture and / or function of the genome, chromosomes, chromatin and genes.
The Evolutionary Cytogenomics platform is dedicated to the studies of chromosomes. It is a joint molecular biology service of ISEM, and part of the labex CeMEB labeled facilities.
Its vocation is to enable research on the architecture, function and evolution of the animal genomes at the level of the genes, chromatin and chromosomes. The platform mainly targets chromosomal organization to elucidate evolutionary events related to changes in chromosome structure and the consequences of these rearrangements in adaptation and speciation processes.
The platform provides its expertise and equipment for conventional and molecular cytogenetic techniques, from karyotyping to in situ hybridization and fluorescence microscopy. The access to the platform can take several forms: service provision, training support, supervision.
The technical platform includes:
- a cytogenomic experimentation room equipped with 1 PCR device with block for microscopic slides (for the PRINS),
- a microscopy room equipped with 2 fluorescence microscopy stations equipped with a CCD camera and Genus analysis software,
- a cell culture room equipped with 1 Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinet, 2 CO2 incubators and 1 inverted microscope.
For all requests,
-Contact the platform managers,
-Familiarize yourself with the charter,
-Complete the welcome form.
Responsable scientifique :
ISEM - Frédéric VEYRUNES -
Responsable technique :
ISEM - Julie PEREZ -
Adresse :
Université de Montpellier, site Triolet, Bât. 22, 1er étage.
Place Eugène Bataillon
34 095 Montpellier Cedex 5